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He is currently the host of his own YouTube shows - Time Out with Rod Man and That Good Funny. He has graced the stage at Caesar’s Palace, The Gibson Amphitheater, and The Apollo Theater. Since those open mic nights, Rod has become an award-winning, quintessential entertainer. And you never really knew when you were going to hit the stage, because the list meant absolutely nothing to Earthquake.” You never knew who would stop in and do a guest spot. “Uptown was the place to be on Tuesday nights. He signed up for “open mic” nights at Atlanta’s Uptown Comedy Club, hosted by the hilarious Earthquake. Rod Man got hooked on comedy at a young age.

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Throw in his laid back style, southern charm, wit, and ability to find the funny in everyday life, and you have the ingredients for a future Comedy Star in the making. His unique delivery and voice capture the attention of audiences. Comedian Rod Man is truly a gem in the World of Standup Comedy today.

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